Projects - Create memorable learning experiences in your classroom

Find explicit and quality literacy units and lessons all aligned to the Australian Curriculum

Web development, CMS

Cleverbean is the fun way to teach

High student engagement

96% of our members say that Cleverbean materials generate exceptional engagement with their students. You can trust that whatever lesson you pick up, students will thrive and love learning.

Quality mentor texts

You’ll find over 500 quality mentor texts to support with lessons. Each lesson can be adapted for a variety of texts to give you ultimate flexibility.

Inspire critical and creative thinking

All materials are open-ended and highly creative. Enjoy explicit teacher-led instruction that is elegantly passed over to students, to drive independence.

What we did

  • Frontend (Next.js)
  • Custom CMS
  • SEO
  • Infrastructure

We are extremely pleased with the website created for us. The team's expertise and attention to detail resulted in a user-friendly, professional, and responsive site.

Alina Hunter, Co-Founder of Cleverbean

More case studies

Take the leap into the future with our LLM-powered solutions

Unlock the full potential of AI to transform your business, reduce costs, and set new standards for operational efficiency.

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Transform student writing outcomes

Real time explicit feedback for students during independent writing time.

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